Remember the days when Grandma had a remedy for everything? Good
GRIEF – I can remember being given coal oil (kerosene) and sugar for bad chest and head congestion and you talk about YUCK! But it worked because Grandma always had a remedy for everything and they were remedies that worked!
Oil Pulling for Sinus Infection
Today we’re going to talk about how to drain sinuses naturally and how to relieve sinus pressure! It just doesn’t get any simpler or easier or quicker than oil pulling for sinus congestion! And let me tell ya – most all of us know the woes of congested sinuses and how quickly we’d like to make that feeling go away. The stuffy head and nose and even ears – and then way too often the headache that can be from mild and aggravating to throbbing and horrific – oh MY!
BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS – You can drain your sinuses in no time – and do it naturally and without prescription meds – AND do it tons faster than any med would work if you chose to go that route. I’m telling ya – you can have your sinuses draining within 5 minutes.
SO here’s what you do:
Just put one teaspoon of Garden of Life coconut oil or any good oil (Sesame
, Safflower
, Sunflower
, Olive
) in your mouth and start swishing and before you have finished your 5 minute swish – your sinuses will be draining.
and have it come right to your doorstep!
Garden of Life Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil — 16 fl ozHain Pure Foods Sunflower Oil, 32 Ounce
Hain Pure Foods Safflower Oil, 32 OunceHain Pure Foods Sesame Oil, 12.7 Ounce
People laugh at me when they call me for advice on overly stuffed sinuses and they’re hoping I have a remedy.
I say “Sure we can remedy that – to drain sinuses and get almost instant relief – just follow these simple instructions.
And they say “Oh NO – I meant do you know of a supplement or something.”

Learn how to drain sinuses NATURALLY! This will have you breathing in no time!
Well YES!!! I know of a few that will help with sinus problems – but why take a supplement for a week – when 5 minutes of oil swishing will bring you instant relief by immediately turning on your drain sinuses switch?
Doesn’t make sense to ME.
Natural Relief Sinus Congestion –
When Bro Shawn our former pastor, had severe Bronchitis about 2 years ago and a severely stuffy nose and laryngitis, he called one day and said, “Kay, I’m just having a horrible time with this Bronchitis and the meds just aren’t doing their thing this time – do you have a remedy for how to relieve sinus pressure?
I told him how to drain sinuses naturally with Oil Pulling and he said he thought he was too congested for a little home remedy like that but that he’d give it a try.
I ran some oil to him so he didn’t have to run to Paducah to get it and he tried it that day.
He called later that day to say “Hey Kay, I was so plugged up and couldn’t breath or talk and I just couldn’t believe this oil was going to help me, but in minutes of swishing – my sinuses started draining and not only can I talk now -I can BREATHE”
He was amazed and I KNEW that would happen because it’s happened to ME and many others – many times.
So laugh at these natural healing ways if you want – but when you get desperate and your doc isn’t helping – just give the one a try that is for the symptoms you have.
What’s it gonna hurt? It’s only food!
Garden of Life Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil — 16 fl ozHain Pure Foods Sunflower Oil, 32 Ounce
Hain Pure Foods Safflower Oil, 32 OunceHain Pure Foods Sesame Oil, 12.7 Ounce
Instructions for Oil Pulling
Let me re-cap on how to oil swish or do oil pulling:
You will need about 1/2 tsp of a good oil and I’ve listed my favorites above – but I’m very fond of Garden of Life Coconut Oil.
Put that dab in your mouth and just start swishing it back and forth around in your mouth and through your teeth and all around your gums.As you swish – the oil will begin to get thin but keep swishing.
Most directions say to swish for 15 to 20 minutes but goodness – who has that kind of time? I swish for 5 minutes twice a day with miraculous results. So 5 minutes is plenty of time Just use that one little bit of oil and keep going for about 5 minutes.
Spit it out and DO NOT swallow any of it because it has pulled toxins out of your system and you don’t want to swallow that.
Rinse and Rinse with water and then a mouth wash and then brush your teeth and rinse again and you’re DONE!
BINGO … you can breathe – your headache has let up or is gone – your voice is coming back.
and have it come right to your doorstep!
Garden of Life Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil — 16 fl ozHain Pure Foods Sunflower Oil, 32 Ounce
Hain Pure Foods Safflower Oil, 32 OunceHain Pure Foods Sesame Oil, 12.7 Ounce
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It just doesn’t get any simpler than that. Sinus congestion, bronchitis, head colds and more – they all benefit greatly from the simple act of oil pulling.
Continue Reading about Oil Pulling!
I am a fan of oil pulling and have been doing it for a while now. I like the benefits that it has given me for my mouth. Never knew about using for cleaning my sinuses. Great info thanks
Natasha recently posted…Counting Colors Book and Activity
It’s good for so many things Natasha. My sister was scheduled for gum surgery and I talked her into trying the oil swishing and she was able to cancel her surgery. Her dentist was amazed and said he’d never even heard of it. LoL Thanks for reading.
Oh my goodness! I love oil pulling. I used to do it a few years back, but have gotten away from it. I was always deterred because of the 15-20 minutes that you are “supposed” to do it for. This post has inspired me to start again! I agree…5 minutes is doable and better than not at all! Silly me 🙂
Thanks for this post…I never thought to use it for runny noses. Tis the season.
Tracey recently posted…Is Organic Food Really Better?
You don’t need 20 minutes … and I do this while making the bed and doing other quick little chores. Just 5 minutes a day will give you dramatic results and fast. Thanks for reading
Wow. this looks to be something really good for you and I might be able to try it….one day. I had read about your method for the teeth too. Great information about how to do it. And your sight is so different. You have done a major overhaul. It is very light and pretty. I like your older one too…….no matter who didn’t, eh? LOL
Kim Smith recently posted…Cute and Easy Ghosts!
I stay so busy Kim I don’t even remember anyone complaining about the other ‘site look’ … lol We just wanted a more feminine and professional look … we plan on taking this rascal to the top .. lol You’d love oil swishing and it’s not bad at all. It thins immediately and there’s nothing to it. I’ll swish while I make the bed or wipe down the bathroom. I don’t jsut stand there and swish .. lol Thanks for reading.
I swear, oil pulling is good for nearly everything! You just added one more to the list I didn’t know about…awesomeness! 🙂
We LOVE oil swishing Cindy. I’m so terrified of the dentist and this has saved me many times from having to go .. lol It will also stop bleeding gums and make the gums healthy. My sister was able to cancel her gum surgery after I talked her into trying oil swishing. Even her dentist was amazed. Thanks for reading.
I’m not sure this will really work, but my sinuses are often congested so it is definitely worth a try! How often do you have to swish before you notice a difference?
Beth recently posted…Engaging Tails: Obidiah
Just the first 5 minutes the first try Beth and you should feel your sinuses draining … Just don’t swallow any of it and be sure and rinse your mouth really good and maybe brush after you do this. This is an amazing remedy. You can do it twice a day if you need to … but one time will get the ball rolling. Oil swishing will also start to remove plaque after 3 days if you do it twice a day … and it will whiten your teeth and you’ll notice a difference in days. I LOVE oil swishing …Thanks for reading.
wow I have to try this! I’ve been so congested ever since I had a cold and this sounds great! Thanks much for this awesome natural tip.
Carolann recently posted…How To Solve The Problem Of Weak Brittle Nails
It’s an amazing and quick remedy Carolann. It will also loosen plaque in just 3 days and whiten your teeth. Thanks for reading …
I am going to try this
I absolutely works. I just did it yesterday because I felt a sinus thing taking hold. It was gone in 30 minutes….Thanks for reading and hope you stop by again soon. Kay
I’m going to try this right now! I will try anything not to have to resort to antibiotics for this sinus infection. Can’t wait to breathe again!
This will work Alicia – I just had that horrific congestion bug that’s going around. I hadn’t had a flu bug since 2003 and we were so shocked this one caught me. I took 2 rounds of antibiotics and a steroid shot and the steroid pills and was still sick as a dog. SO I started the oil pulling (I thought I was too sick in the beginning for this – because the bug just attacked me over night and I woke with a fever and severe congestion) … But FINALLY I got wise and started the oil pulling AND I put Vick’s Vapo Rub on the bottom’s of my feet and heavy socks over that (after my evening shower) and I also rubbed it on my chest. My sinuses started draining with the oil pulling and the Vick’s handled the rest and I was fit as a fiddle in 3 days . I suggest YOU do both TOO. 🙂 Good luck .. hope you feel better soon. Thanks for reading and hope you stop by often. We have our own video’s beginning MONDAY. Kay
Im swishing right now at 3am. Getting over the flu. My sinuses have already cleared. I can’t believe this works so well. Thank you for sharing so I can add this to my book of home remedies!
Oh WOW I’m so thrilled for you. I just had that sinus mess and I hadn’t had a flu bug since 2003. That swishing works WONDERS! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you’ll stop by often … kay
I have Chronic Bronchitis. Do you think that oil pulling would be a good thing for that?
Hi Aaron – I had a bad spell with bronchitis last fall and I hadn’t even had a bout with a head cold or ANYTHING since 2003. That’s because – I guess – that we do all the juicing, etc and keep our immune systems up. But I got really sick and had bronchitis for 7 weeks in spite of having a steroid shots …2 rounds of steroid pills and an antibiotic. FINALLY I realized if I was going to get rid of it – I was going to have to find my own remedy. I STARTED with Vick’s Vapo Rub just because that stuff is more powerful than anyone could ever imagine. I put it on the bottom’s of my feet AND all over my chest over the lung area – after my shower…I put on heavy socks to keep it in tact there. In just 3 days … I had totally stopped coughing and all signs were gone. I also put it on my feet again in the morning – but we’re retired so it was easy to be able to do that for me. Give that a try and let me know if it doesn’t work. Back off on all junk food and sugary foods. If you could possibly get a juicer and start doing some juicing a few times a week – that would really help on the chronic end….. pm if you have more questions 🙂 YOU CAN STOP your chronic bronchitis … if this doesn’t work … let me know .. Kay
Oh and Aaron – on the oil pulling – yes that will help … you can do that along WITH the Vick’s. And you can even get the cheaper brand at Walmart and it’s called Lou Ann’s Coconut oil .. it’s tasteless .. 🙂
I prefer the advantages that it’s given Pine Tree State for my mouth. I am a devotee of oil propulsion and are doing it for a moment currently!
Oil pulling is very beneficial – it saved my middle sister from oral surgery a few years ago. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you’ll stop by often 🙂 Kay