Where Heart Health is concerned, the “30 Day Heart Tune Up” is taking the nation by storm right now. Dr Steven Masley, creator of the 30 Day Heart Tune Up; is a family physician in St Petersburg, Florida who has written several books on getting and staying healthy.
Now you won’t have a brand new heart and totally soft and unclogged arteries in 30 days, but he says the improvement will be so dramatic you just won’t believe how good you feel in that short period of time.
Dr Masley says that 80% of us are so nutrient deficient – that just 30 days of tuning up our heart health through diet, exercise and the right supplementation would cause such a dramatic improvement – we’d willingly be ready for the next 30 days on this program.

I believe that to be an absolute fact, because I’ve said many times before that how we feel TODAY is determined in a huge way, by what we ate YESTERDAY!
Decrease Chances of Cancer and Heart Disease by 40%
Dr Masley says that just regular daily walking will decrease our chances of cancer and heart disease by 40%. Now that right there should put us stepping off the steps on the treadmill or in front of the television or even outside, weather permitting.
He says we can absolutely transform our heart and artery health, improve our cholesterol, sugar and triglycerides in 30 days without question. And that sure sounds good to ME!
Dr Masley said that the best way to explain plaque build up in our arteries is to pour up a glass of milk in a clear glass and then pour the milk back out. Now look at that clear glass and you can see the thin film of milk still left in that glass.
He says that’s the way artery build up happens in our bodies … just a little at a time. But when we do things a dozen times a day to cause a little build up each time … that build up can cause a CLOSE UP a lot quicker than you’d like to think.
3 Things To Bring About a Healthier Lifestyle
There are 3 things that will bring about a healthier lifestyle, according to Dr Masley.
- Eating healing foods and leaving off junk food
- Getting plenty of exercise
- Adding heart nourishing nutrients daily AND he even recommends a good daily multivitamin
Talking about heart disease – he also said that in 40% of the people who have bypass surgery – their brain function drops by 20%. And I know that to be a fact because it happened in our family and we know of others.
I was just in absolute awe at the PBS special by Dr Steve Masley. During the first commercial I came to the computer to order his book on amazon, but I heard the program come back on and ran back to the television thinking I could do that after the program. After the program – amazon was sold OUT of his book 30 Day Heart Tune UP (more are on the way) and I had to order a used book. But that didn’t matter to me … “I” just wanted the book and as long as it’s going to be readable … that’s all that matters to me. He has several other books and I know of at least one other one in particular that I’m going to order today – and it’s “Ten Years Younger” and it isn’t about hair and makeup and foo foo. It’s about aging backwards with our heart and liver and arteries and brain function. Now WHO wouldn’t want THAT? SIGN ME UP!!!
5 Heart Healthy Foods
According to Dr Masley, there are 5 heart nourishing foods and they are:
1-Fiber – beans, veggies, fruits and nuts.
2-Fish Oil – mussels, canned wild salmon, and supplements.
3-Magnesium – greens, cheese and nuts
4-Vitamin D – milk and other dairy, eggs, mushrooms, mackerel, salmon, sardines.
5-Vitamin K – brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, cayenne, asparagus, okra and leafy greens.
30 Day Heart Tune Up
I have dozens and dozens of books on heart health … I believe Dr Steve Masley has come closer to the answer than anyone I’ve ever read and he tells it all in such a way that even a child could understand.
I’m going to give this program a try. How about you?
More information on 5 Heart Healthy Foods
More on Heart Health
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