You really can improve Heart Health and reverse heart disease naturally! If you will make a few subtle diet and lifestyle changes – you absolutely can make your heart stronger and start to flush out those arteries and make them easier for the blood to flow through
Reverse Heart Disease Naturally with Heart Healthy Foods
There are so many good foods that are good for heart health.
Two of the very best things for heart health are Walnuts and Welch’s Pure Grape Juice
You need to be taking these in as your daily ‘snack’ and they will curb your appetite while strengthening your heart and arteries. The Grape juice just makes the arteries more pliable so the blood can flow more freely.
Blueberries are one of my favorites because they also are so good for memory and to ease brain fog.
Other foods for a heart healthy diet are: Cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, oats, brown rice, legumes, nuts and seeds..
Someone emailed to ask if it was true the cabbage soup diet is good for heart health. Yes it is!
I don’t know if anyone has ever said that or not, but it’s loaded with cabbage and onions which are miraculous almost in themselves and tomatoes too.
Just watch the salt no matter which cabbage soup diet you try.
If your recipe calls for that packet of onion soup mix … for goodness sakes, leave that off.
That stuff is loaded with MSG and some of the other most dangerous ingredients on the market.
Cabbage Soup would be good to keep in the fridge just to curb the appetite when needed, Or for a light evening snack before bedtime.
I call Cabbage Soup … Miracle in a Bowl, because it’s so good for you and good for a quick jump start to a good diet too.
Reversing Heart Disease Naturally with CoQ10 the Longevity Supplement
Other things for good heart and artery health – are exercise and a few supplements.
We wouldn’t be without CoQ10 in our home and you can go to amazon and read the reviews on that. It’s amazing for the heart. CoQ10 is called the Longevity supplement. WOW!
Reversing Heart Disease Naturally with a Heart Healthy Diet Plan
Most research says 60 or so % low carb foods and 15 or so % good lean protein is a good rule of thumb.
ALSO a good fish about 3 times a week, like mackerel, salmon, or tuna in water.
We love all of these uncooked and with just a very few plain crackers.
Now if you are on a heart medication … never try to do anything new without a doctor’s supervision. And if you have a known heart disease … take the exercise slow to start and work up.
That’s it for now! I LOVE researching ways to help us stay healthy naturally – don’t you?
I truly believe that God gave us all bodies that would almost always heal themselves … if we give our body the nutrients it needs to do just that. And the best time to fight heart disease, cancer, diabetes and all those other ills … is before we get them.
Peace and love from the canyon … I love you all gobs and thanks so much … for stopping by!