The Master Cleanse! It’s been around since about 1940 and used by millions world wide and has been known for decades as the most successful and healthy cleanse of it’s type ever … then AND now. It’s a Master Cleanse that will cleanse and detox with rapid and dramatic weight loss as a side effect. It removes toxins from your body, fat from your tummy and other places, brain fog from your thinker and just makes you want to do a double back flip and shout GLORY HALLELUJAH from the AMEN corner when you’re not even in church!!! Now what in the world could be better than that?
The Master Cleanse – A Cleanse and Detox
The Master Cleanse is kind of a juice fast but even I have seen dramatic – first hand – positive results from it. It not only provides the nutrients your body needs … but provides a super dramatic cleanse and detox and gets you right to where you need to be to start rebuilding and restoring your own body to the strong and healthy state we all want our bodies to be in. The Master Cleanse takes about 10 days if done correctly and gives our digestive system time to take kind of a much needed break from all the junk food and just eating too much in general AND it allows your body time to kind of start a good solid healing process that we all drastically need.
The Lemonade Diet, The Maple Syrup Diet, The Lemon Cleanse
It has also been called the Lemonade Diet, the Maple Syrup Diet and the Lemon Cleanse. But what you call it doesn’t matter nearly as much as whether or not you just DO the Master Cleanse.
Stanley Burroughs – author of the book “The Master Cleanse” says the diet will prove to you that no one needs to live with their diseases. The Lemonade diet has successfully and consistently demonstrated its eliminating and building/healing ability” I have that book and while I didn’t make it the full 10 days … I was amazed at the results. And I highly recommend you get the book and give this Master Cleanse a try. It’s very simple really. There isn’t that much to learn – but ‘me’? I like DETAILS! I want to know the in’s and out’s of things and what makes them tick. I want to break things down to the bare bones and know every little detail and why it’s a detail. SO I have several hundred books on this or that form of healing the body naturally.
Master Cleanse Recipe
It’s said the Master Cleanse is so simple it can be explained in 100 words or less. 1. Squeeze fresh lemon juice. 2. Add Rich Maple Syrup (and it has to be B grade – health food store or amazon) and cayenne pepper to water. 3. Drink a minimum of 6 to 8 glasses of water daily or each time you feel hungry. 4. Take a laxative about 7pm (and I recommend Equate or Dollar General Senna 25mg – round blue pill – ck back label and 2 Equate Stool Softeners containing 100mg Docusate sodium ) Before beginning this Master Cleanse – kind of ease yourself into the process by doing away with all processed foods. Try eating light and very healthy for the 3 days before. Salads, fish/chicken, raw fruits and veggies, juices and drinking lots of water daily. Everything is explained in detail in the book. But if you don’t care about specifics and just want to do the program … the info above will get you there.
The Lemonade Diet Recipe
Mix in a large glass:
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tbsp Maple Syrup (B grade only)
1/8 to 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
8 ounces water
Drink within 5 to 10 minutes of making it. Another tip is to keep your lemons on the counter … because enzymes go dormant in the frig and you’re going to need those enzymes awake and ready to do their magic…
Master Cleanse Results
The results of using the Master Cleanse have been called everything from amazing to miraculous. The idea is to use the cleanse TO cleanse, detox and restore your body to a much healthier state. And that gives you a fresh new start so you can start eating healthier and feeling more like exercising. You will see dramatic results with the Master Cleanse.
Well here we are on January 12th, we’re just 2 weeks into a brand new year and about ready to restore our bodies to almost brand new bodies … inside and out. WHAT a GRAND IDEA!!!
If you’d like to read more about cleanse, detox and weight loss – Miracle In A Bowl: Soup Diets – Cabbage Soup Diet vs Fat Flush Soup is a big favorite at Love, Home and Health!
Weight Loss Programs
Looking for more on Detox? Read Infused Water – The BEST Cleanse and Detox Drink
This sounds like a really good thing to do for myself after all those resolutions I made for New Year’s. I gotta get brave!
Kim recently posted…Let’s get some Moss growing on that Hypertufa!
I didn’t have the willpower to stick to it for 10 days, Kim … But it does make you feel so light and you can just think more clearly after just a couple days.