Leaving a legacy!
I guess that’s something all of us should think about kind of early in life. But that’s only IF we care about how people will think of us after we’re gone. Way too many of us, I’m afraid – are always a day late and a dollar short. That’s me anyway.
Definition of Legacy
What is a legacy really? I decided to look up the definition of legacy in my dictionary and this is what it said, “A legacy is a style or philosophy. It’s something totally non materialistic that’s passed on down through the generations. It’s kind of what you’re known for.
People Who Left a Legacy
SO if you still don’t understand how that could be – Take for instance “Archie Bunker” – those of you that are old enough to remember Archie. What’s the first thing you think of when you think of Archie Bunker? “I” think of a cantankerous old geezer that wasn’t satisfied with much of anything and wasn’t about to lift a finger to make anything better.
Then let your mind wander even further back, if you’re as old as me … to about 1954 and the appearance of “December Bride” on the television screen. December Bride was about a sweet old widow lady, who even in the twilight of her years … hoped to find one more love – comparable to the one she had lost and in the ‘winter of her years’ … become a December Bride, once again. I can see Lily Ruskin – played by Spring Byington – almost as clearly in my mind today – as I saw her on the television screen in 1954. She was known for her soft voice and sweet nature and always wanting to do something good and positive for everybody that crossed her path.
So What IS a Legacy?
SO do you understand “legacy” a little more now? It’s what’s going to be the first thing that pops into people’s minds after you’re gone … when your name comes up in conversation.
So are they going to think … “GEE what a kind hearted old geezer he was. Always ready to lend a helping hand. Never a negative thing to say about anyone. WHAT a loss HIS passing was”
OR are they going to say “Makes me laugh and even cringe when I HEAR that name … even though he’s been gone for years. THAT MAN NEVER HAD A KIND WORD TO SAY ABOUT ANYTHNG” “And he wouldn’t have given you a bread crumb if you were starving to death right in front of him”

What will my Legacy Be?
I’m really not sure what kind of legacy I’ll leave. I’m kind of on the state line on that one. Right between the Hawaiian Islands and the coast of NORTH Alaska. lol I’m a cross between the warmest and fuzziest woman you’ll find anywhere … but I carry LONG STRONG ICYCLES in my BAG 24/7 and NOBODY had better double cross ME on one of my mercy missions BECAUSE money and time are too hard to come by.
Now, I can be as busy as a little beaver with my own life and hear of someone that’s in dire need and I’m on that situation like stink on poo poo. It doesn’t matter to me that it’s none of my business if it’s a gut wrenching need. If they need help and no one is helping … I make it my business!
HOWEVER – while I may be ready and willing to lend a helping hand at the drop of a hat … BEFORE I DO more than give them a meal immediately if that’s one of their needs … I will investigate them more thoroughly than the FBI has ever investigated their biggest suspect in any given situation. I’ve even called in law enforcement to see if someone I was considering helping, had any kind of record if I suspected that could be so. Is that judgmental? YUP!!! But I’m not going to spend OUR money to help someone who is spending THEIR money on questionable things instead of paying their own bills or buying food. You’ll hear these stories about things I’ve done to help people. But don’t think for one split second that I just go throwing money around just over a sob story. I get the WHOLE story and sometimes … if it’s called for – THEY get a good lecture to enlighten them on why they are finding themselves IN this particular situation.
Do you know the best place to find out what most folks are really like … down deep inside? THEIR FACEBOOK PAGES! Because you can walk around town packing a bible in each hand on Sunday morning … but if you’re on your FACEBOOK photo’s with a questionable beverage in your hand … or questionable clothing that’s almost but not quite there … that is what tells the real story! I AM SO SORRY TO SAY!!! Because it really is true … “The real worth of a person is determined by what they will say and do when they think no one is looking”
What I hope folks will remember about me is that I was a warm, sincere person that lived and loved life and everybody in my life to the very fullest. And you can stab me in the back today – but if you hit a streak of bad luck tomorrow and I hear about it … I’ll still be knocking on your door with food or whatever kind of help you need … IF I CAN.
A Legacy Has Nothing To Do With Material Things
I don’t think the legacy we leave behind should have anything to do with our outward self. It’s what’s deep down inside us that really counts. There’s an old saying, “If you were given 10 cents for every kind word/thing you said or did – and 5 cents was taken away for every negative word/thing you said or did – would you be rich or poor?” And to that – I can honestly say – I think I’d be doing pretty good. There’s a poem I often put in my gift bags and leave with tips at restaurants when I feel led to leave an extra big tip for this reason or that … and it goes like this:
God has given me a place on earth
to be here for a while
I hope that as I’m passing through
I will make somebody smile.
I want to make life easier
for all the ones I meet
I ask God for His blessings
to the strangers on the street
I hope I’ll never fail a friend
if I can help somehow
I want to be as generous
as my resources will allow
And when my life on earth is done
it will be my final plea
Let someone, somewhere think or say
“You made a difference to me”
Peace and love from the canyon. I love you all gobs and thanks so SO much – for stopping by. This has been a bird’s eye view of the katydid and until next time – you are loved…
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This show how wise, but yet how giving you are. You are a truly and good person, and a person with common sense. I would not hesitate to check someone out before giving.
Kim recently posted…Anxiously Planning The Rock Garden
You have to check people out these days. There are some real professionals … with some good believable stories 🙂 But I literally LOVE helping people who really need help …