Look 10 years younger naturally with common ingredients you may already have!
Regardless of your age – if you’re an adult – wouldn’t you like to know how to look 10 years younger naturally in just 10 minutes? Well GOOD NEWS!!! There is a magical concoction – most likely already right there in your kitchen, just waiting to be mixed together to take years off of your face in less than 10 minutes! And listen – I KNOW everybody has the perfect anti aging remedy – or think they do! But the thing about this one is – you don’t have to wait 2-3 weeks to see results – or even one week You will see immediate results after the first 10 minutes – with the first use – of this very simple at home facial.
At 70 years old – I’m almost a fanatic about natural skin care and wrinkle remedies – And I AM an authority 🙂 – but this is nothing new for me. I’ve never worn make up and always used my own natural homemade skin care concoctions – and my skin shows it. At a recent trip to the most well known and popular dermatologist in our area – to let her check out a little brown spot on my nose – she complimented me on my skin and asked ME what kind of skin care I use. 🙂 She was shocked beyond belief when I told her I make my own in our kitchen. AND she had several questions about how and why – this and that. Now if that isn’t a compliment – I don’t know what is – because they had bottles of creams in their little ‘cream shop area’ – that sell for $175 a pop. WHAT???
Johnson’s Baby Lotion, 15 Fl. OzFruit of the Earth Vitamin-E Cream 4 oz. + 4 oz. Jar
Garden of Life Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil — 16 fl oz

The photos above were taken over the course of just a few minutes and keep in mind that Kim and I start every single facial with a Sea Salt scrub and clean water rinse. The quick and simple home facial took away blemishes and she just has a much more clear and warm glow. So there was a 10 minute span between the first and last photo above.
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Look 10 Years Younger Naturally In Ten Minutes – THIS IS IT!!!
The MAGICAL 10 Minute Facial -Look ten years younger naturally – IN YOUR KITCHEN!!!
Now you may think it’s impossible to look ten years younger in ten minutes. But you really can. It won’t last forever and ever amen – but you can get through a dinner date or outing and look absolutely smashing – trust me on this and just try it!
Wash your face and use a little salt or baking soda on your very warm wash cloth. Be sure and just wash gently, you don’t want to actually scratch your face.
Then beat an egg white just quickly in a deep bowl and put on your face and let it stay there for about 5 to 8 minutes until totally dry.
Wash off with warm water and put on this delicious miracle cream that you have just whipped up for pennies in your own kitchen. Just put it on very lightly. It doesn’t take much at all.
NOW – go look in the mirror and re-introduce yourself to the old you of 10 or so years ago. You will find that you look 10 years younger naturally in just 10 minutes.
This younger look will last about 8 hours with just the light cream on your face. I have no clue how long it would last with foundation makeup … maybe longer … maybe not as long.
Try it and see for yourself and then share this blog with your friends and family!
We’re Sharing Even MORE of our Beauty Secrets – Keep Reading
Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream
Now I also talk often about the Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream and I LOVE and use that too. But that IS a commercial product. I’ve always said that I’d never be without a jar of Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream – in spite of my home remedies – because there’s just something special in that Royal Bee – that I have yet to be able to duplicate. But if you use the recipe I’m giving you today – you don’t even really necessarily need the Royal Bee Cream – but I like to go the extra mile when it comes to having good skin – without makeup. The link to buy it is at the blue click above – if you’d like to give it a try. I’ve given so many samples away to local friends – just out of my jars – and they have all ordered it. SO it’s just good stuff –
I’ve just found a new recipe for “homemade Botox in a bowl” – you make it out of 3 items in your kitchen and it’s said you will see a big difference in just 3 days. I’m making that today and will try it this week and we’ll have a new blog “Homemade Botox in a Bowl” later this week. WATCH FOR IT!!!
Visit Our Skin Care Archives
Johnson’s Baby Lotion, 15 Fl. OzFruit of the Earth Vitamin-E Cream 4 oz. + 4 oz. Jar
Garden of Life Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil — 16 fl oz
Popping over from Monday Madness link up party =) I’m always up for a new moisturizer! I’ll have to give it a try. Be sure to share your crafts & DIYs at Two Uses Tuesday (Mon 11pm EST to Fri 11pm EST) over at Sarah Celebrates if you don’t already!
SARAH J recently posted…Walk Ten Thousand
Thanks Sarah … I’m just now getting used to Linky parties … but I’ll go give it a try. If I do it wrong … just delete me … lol thanks
This looks like something that I could make easily. And I like to slather on cream at night. We all want to look younger.
Kim recently posted…I Want Flowers From Seeds THIS Year!
Interesting. I just may try this. I pinned it so I can easily find it again.
Jennifer S. recently posted…Fun With Cardboard
It works Jennifer. Even in very young women … there’s a very noticable difference immediately after doing this one time. Let us know what you think 🙂
What is in the baby lotion? Also I’m with you on the coconut oil.
I’ve never even checked the label and am usually so picky about ingredients. So I really don’t know what’s in it. I DO KNOW this recipe makes up some magical cream for only about $3 🙂 Thanks so much for reading … stop by often .. 🙂
why use vitamin e cream? why not just vitamin e?
GEE I thought I answered your questions … lol I’ve used the oil from Vitamin e many times…The cream is very smooth and works magic all by itself. I LOVE Vitamin E cream! 🙂 I just started out with what the recipe called for and continued to use it….
Hi I like to ask you if there is other lotion that I can use besides baby lotion?
I don’t know how other lotions would work. This is all I’ve ever used to make the magic lotion. You can get the baby lotion at any Dollar General Store. Thanks for reading and hope you stop back by soon. Kay
This cream is so nice! I’m going to use it on my body, too.
BTW, what is Botox in a Bowl? I am dying to try that.
I LOVE the homemade creams, Dawn. Most of them work much better than these expensive creams we’d be buying. AND I’m SO SO glad you asked about Botox in a Bowl because I forgot to DO that blog. It’s been such a year full of turmoil for us. Our son’s home was flooded in a major flood in July and it was the 2nd time in 2 years and after working 10 hours a day for almost 6 weeks – he had to have emergency surgery. And I could go on and on with monkey wrenches that have been thrown into our year. HOWEVER 🙂 Here’s the recipe for you and I’ll mix it up and try it the next 3 days and do a post on it the first of next week. But it’s:
1 tablespoon sour cream
5 tablespoons fresh carrot juice
1 tablespoon corn starch.
Dissolve the corn starch in 1/2 glass of water. Pour corn starch in pan and add 1/3 cup boiling water – cook to thicken but keep stirring.
Cool mixture and add sour cream and fresh carrot juice. Wash face (and we always use sea salt – but any salt will do OR baking soda) Just wash lightly … don’t scratch your face with the salt 🙂 THEN apply mixture and leave on for 20 or 30 minutes. It SAYS dramatic results in 3 days but you must do it 3 days in a row. I’ll start today and do it Friday, Saturday and Sunday and write on it Monday or Tuesday … keep reading!!! 🙂 And keep in touch with any home recipe’s YOU try … email anytime and thanks so much for reading …
Thank you for answering my question. I can’t wait to see how it works for you.
Gosh, I am so sorry for all the troubles you and your family have been going through. Your poor son! I hope things are looking up for him.
Dawn … Just to give you a heads UP. I am SO EXCITED about this Botox in a bowl. I did it on my husband AND myself last night and we could see a difference after the first time. He had had a long day yesterday and was tired so he was more than willing to lean back in his recliner and let me pamper HIS fact TOO … lol It was easy to make and although it calls for carrot juice … I think you could slice carrots really thin and put them in the blender to puree them … it only takes 5 tablespoons of carrot juice. I’ll be writing on this Tuesday or Wednesday … but I can definitely see a difference after just one time. I’ll also be researching to see what each of the 3 ingredients does and why this works so well … stay tune and thank you SO SO MUCH for reminding me I had forgotten to TRY this … talk to you soon.
Dawn … Just to give you a heads UP. I am SO EXCITED about this Botox in a bowl. I did it on my husband AND myself last night and we could see a difference after the first time. He had had a long day yesterday and was tired so he was more than willing to lean back in his recliner and let me pamper HIS face TOO … lol It was easy to make and although it calls for carrot juice … I think you could slice carrots really thin and put them in the blender to puree them … it only takes 5 tablespoons of carrot juice. I’ll be writing on this Tuesday or Wednesday … but I can definitely see a difference after just one time. I’ll also be researching to see what each of the 3 ingredients does and why this works so well … stay tune and thank you SO SO MUCH for reminding me I had forgotten to TRY this … Oh and yes our son is doing better … it’s just going to take him time to re-coop. Our grown kids will all be here today to have chili and carve their pumpkins after church this morning. talk to you soon.
Oooh, I will be so looking forward to that post. I will be putting sour cream and carrots on my shopping list for this week.
Listen … we can’t work the blog in until about Wednesday or Thursday – but it was WONDERFUL. I talked my husband into doing it too … he used to love for me to do facials on him and he’s not a frilly man at all … he’s my great white hunter and he cuts our fire wood and is really a woodsy type man. But I put it on both of us Saturday evening and we left it on 30 minutes and you really could see a big improvement in just the skin itself after one – 30 minute facial. It even plumped up the few wrinkles we have. Today was day 3 and we can see quite a bit of improvement in our skin – tone – softness – kind of a glow … I LOVE this stuff and I’m keeping it made up in the frig .. lol I just made a batch and put it in the frig…I’ll make another batch in about 3-4 days if this keeps well… It’s really well worth the little time and effort. As it dries you feel a pull on your face and you actually feel your face tightening .. I LOVE this stuff … lol thanks SO MUCH for that reminder 🙂
I read your article above and it sounds lovely. I have oily, problem skin. I would love to look younger, but I don’t know if this would work for my skin? All the best to you for sharing, nonetheless. Thank you! 🙂
The egg white facial would be SUPER for you Betty – give it a try. Thanks for reading and hope you’ll stop by often. Kay
Love your articles and ideas. I will try throw face mask today!
You’ll LOVE the egg white facial Aida … 🙂 Thanks for reading and hope you’ll stop by often. Kay
Can’t wait to try this! Would love to take 10 years off my face!
You won’t believe the difference you’ll see in just 10 minutes Carolina. Let it dry and then wash with a wet cloth … and WOW!!! Thanks for reading and hope you’ll stop by again soon …. we have lots of WOW advice at Love, Home and Health 🙂
Hi, I’d like to know can I use the cream on a daily basis without the egg white mask ?
If I did the ‘miracle cream ‘ each night Beograd bed would that keep the good youth look?
Thanks. Mags
Hi Mags Quinn … YES!!! You can even do the egg white mask each day if you want to. And you can do the egg white alone with dramatic results in just 10 minutes. Just crack open an egg and you don’t even have to take it out of the shell … just dip your fingertips into the gooey white and smear it around on your face – let it dry – and you can even fan your face with a paper plate or whatever and wash it off in 10 minutes. You WILL see a big difference even the first time. Any of the other homemade lotions can be used as often as you want. This is fabulous stuff and it WORKS. I’m about to do a blog on rice water. Just boil some white rice … let it cool and pour the thickening rice water off the rice and do the same with the rice water. I do this as often as I can and it gives you porcelain like skin – just like the Japanese women 🙂 I leave that on about 15-20 minutes when I can – and wash it off. We’re doing some new things this week on anti aging … so stay tuned … message me on facebook if you’d like to keep in touch. And here’s my facebook link … I’d LOVE to help you in any way I can. Kay … https://www.facebook.com/kay.comer.5