I was just thinking – with so many overweight – and Love, Home and Health specializing in home remedies – that we needed a home remedy for obesity. Too much weight can not only destroy your health in many ways – it can break down your knees and hips – and it can be absolutely deadly! There is a Home Remedy for obesity! You can start it today and it will give you good results!
I saw a line while studying diets a few days ago and it asked the question ”
Which is the best diet of all time?” And the answer was “The one you actually stay on!”
Obesity is at an all time high with 78.6 million people considered obese.
But now, does that make obesity ok?
You can rationalize that “Well, John and Joan and Jean and Jim are all obese … so why ya pickin’ on ME?”
“Well I’ll tell ya why Jesse – because John and Joan and Jean and Jim are all walkin’ time bombs and they’re gonna die young.
We have no connection to them but we do to you and we love you and we don’t want YOU to die young with them?”
If John and Joan and Jean and Jim go out on I-24 and lay down in the middle of the road and just wait for the big truck to come along and hit them and make “J” mush out of them – are you gonna do that TOO?” Because you’re playin’ about the same odds.
Obesity is now considered a disease by the American Medical Association.
Did you know that?
Obesity is closely related to cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, Fibromyalgia and so much more.”
Actually obesity is connected to most all illnesses.
People are always looking for the “Best way to lose weight” or for perfect and easy “weight loss tips” They’re looking for easy diet plans and for diets that say they will tell you ‘how to lose weight fast.”
They’re like the man that was looking around on a corner under a street light and a cop came along and he said “I notice you’re looking for something – can I help you?” The man said “Yes I lost a quarter and I really need that quarter to use the pay phone” The cop said “It’s ok sir, we’ll find your quarter. Do you know exactly where you were standing when you dropped it?” The man said “Sure – I was standing down on THAT corner over there … but it’s too hard to look there because it’s dark – so I came over here to look under the street light” If you’re looking for your answer on THIS corner and your missing link is on THAT corner – what do you think the chances are – you’re going to find it?
BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS – There IS a home remedy for obesity and it’s so simple.
Eat less and walk more! REALLY!!!!!!!!!! That’s ALL there is TO it – if you don’t have an underlying condition preventing you from losing weight – like a thyroid problem.
THAT’S ALL THERE IS TO a healthier life and a much more comfortable body.
That’s IT!!! No secret … no magic wand needed.
There are pills that are said to be magical, but they’re not only unhealthy – some are very dangerous.
Now we could go a bit further and say
“Eat less and eat healthier foods, back off on sugar and dairy and white flour.
Eat lean protein and low carb veggies and drink a few glasses of water daily and walk 30 minutes 7 days a week.”
Now if THAT doesn’t start taking your weight off … you have a problem other than obesity.
SO you should be checking with your doctor.
Jorge Cruise – Belly Fat Cure
If you are serious about trying a weight loss program but you just really need something or someone to follow, I very highly recommend either or both of the Jorge Cruise books The Belly Fat Cure Sugar & Carb Counter and The Belly Fat Cure
They tell you the counts you need to stay under on sugar and carbs and how to do this and that for immediate success.
I have several friends that have used both of those books and lost 10 to 15 pounds in just 2 weeks or less. I have both of these books myself and the information in them is golden.
I have a very close friend who has used these books twice when weight and blood work numbers were not what they needed to be after her physicals.
Now each time she gained the weight back … but who’s fault was that, really? The fact of the matter IS and the important thing IS – this Jorge Cruise diet DID turn her blood work numbers around fast and she lost a considerable amount of weight rapidly and consistently.

Get The Belly Fat Cure Sugar & Carb Counter: Revised & Updated Edition, with 100’s of New Items Added! Here on Amazon!
We as a society are getting so bad about making it so hard to find some of our answers. We’re looking way over yonder when the answer is stuck right on the end of our nose.
Are you obese? And if your answer is yes – then WHY are you obese?
Do you just love playing Russian Roulette with your life? What about those you would be leaving behind – is that really fair to them? Do you want more years with your husband or wife or other loved ones? Do you want those years to be healthy? Don’t you want to look your best for your spouse – just like you’d want them to look their best for you?
We’re always going to start to do better tomorrow. But one of these days – for those of us that need it the most – that ‘tomorrow’ is going to be the saddest day of our loved one’s life and we will be out of chances to do better. Do we want that when it is SO avoidable?
June 1st is coming up in less than 2 weeks … and guess what?
WHAT BETTER TIME to rework our kitchen cabinets and fridge and get ready for a really healthy June?
Actual testimonials from amazon from people that have used these specific books for their weight loss:
Verified Purchase: Reviewer #1. I have been on diets all my life, this is finally one that I can live with. I never realized how much sugar is in things. 12 gms in milk alone. its crazy. Highly recommend this for folks who are trying to drop some weight.
Verified Purchase: Reviewer #2. I have lost 16lbs in three weeks! His system of sugar and carb counting is simple and it works!
My Geezer could stand to lose a good 20 pounds. “I” can always stand to lose another 10 or so pounds. Let’s get this book ordered if we don’t already have it – and I’ll dig mine out this morning – and let’s take off on a weight loss journey together. We can even form a facebook group if you want to. In FACT – I have one from years ago – so I’ll go revive that right now!!! Let’s help and encourage each other. Let’s take these few warm months coming up – to restore and revive our bodies, minds and spirits. And let’s do this TOGETHER!!! How about it?
Jorge Cruise – The Skinny on Losing Dangerous Belly Fat with Jorge Cruise

Get The Belly Fat Cure: Discover the New Carb Swap System™ and Lose 4 to 9 lbs. Every Week Here on Amazon!
Peace and love and I love you all gobs.
If YOU need help or support with your own weight loss program – just drop us a note – we’re always right here.
Read MORE on Weight Loss Programs
I totally agree. Body for Life worked for me, mostly because it was something I could stick with.
Kim Hilbert recently posted…Easy Sock Catnip Toy
Yes I have the Body for Life book as well. I think I have most all of them. If I’d only spend as much time DOING these things as reading about them … I’d be in pretty good shape 🙂 Thanks for stopping by …