I read once that there is no better exercise for the heart – than bending down to lift someone else – up. I’ve lived my life trying to make a difference.
If you’re a person with a creative mind and one who likes to ‘make things’ – one of the most important things you could ever make in your life – is to make a difference.
I’d Like To Make A Difference
God has given me a place on earth
to be here for a while.
I hope that as I’m passing through
I can make somebody smile
I want to make life easier
For all the ones I meet
I ask God for His blessings
To the strangers on the street.
I hope I’ll never fail a friend
If I can help somehow.
I want to be as generous
As my resources will allow.
And when my life on earth is done.
It will be my final plea
Let someone, somewhere think or say
“You made a difference to me”
-Helen Bush