Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream Testimonials
It seems like folks just can’t read enough about Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream! We’re getting more and more emails about Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream and folks want to know where they can find testimonials or reviews for it. I’m sure there are many on the internet – but I only know for sure … what “I” have seen for myself. So let me tell you some of the absolute miracles I’ve seen with Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream…
I first found this cream in April of 2013 when Geezer and I were at the flea market in DeLand, Florida. Geezer had stopped to talk to another old geezer and I just walked on down to the next table to see what the lady was selling. It was a cream in a jar and she was telling me all kinds of healing stories and I immediately thought ‘circus hacker.’ But I was friendly and told her I wasn’t interested, but we continued to chit chat while I waited for the geezer and the other old geezer to get done solving the problems of the world.
I just happened to reach down to scratch my knuckle and she asked me what was on my hand. I said “Oh this is an old callous that I’ve had for about 5-6 weeks. I got a bad cut way back then and I liked to never got it to heal and now I guess I’m going to have this callous for the rest of my life.” She said “Let me put just a dab of this cream on there, what can it hurt?” SO I said “Ok!” She put on a tiny TINY dab with a Q-Tip and we continued to talk. Within minutes as I scratched my callous again, I noticed that the callous had now softened in just that short bit of time and it was now peeling off. I WAS SHOCKED BEYOND WORDS!!!
I had tried every thing to get that callous to soften and come off.
I reached out my hand to her and said “Look, this is softening, I can’t BELIEVE this” She said “I tried to tell you”…
SO I bought a jar and Geezer and I were on our way.
By the time we got to our car, I noticed my callous had just almost
dissolved softly and as I scratched, it continued to come on off. By the time we got back to Daytona and our motel, my callous was totally gone.
I said to Geezer “Well you are going to KILL me … but I’ve got to call Michelle and see where I can find her at a flea market tomorrow and buy more of this cream” He said “That’s no big deal, go ahead and call, we’re on vacation!”
I called her and found out that she would be near Orlando at “The Market” or something like that on Friday. I told her we’d see her then.
On Friday, I bought 5 more jars and she and Robert gave me one free for coming all that way just to get more. I was in hog heaven!
I came home and was so SO excited about my cream that I headed to Paducah to find reasonably priced little cups/jars with lids that I could buy to give samples of this away. And I found some that would hold about 2 tbsp. of the cream and they had a lid. I got 50 little jars for about $2.50. I was now in hog heaven because I LOVED this cream we had just bought and I LOVE to share.
I gave TONS of these little jars away and TONS of people called me back raving about it and wanting Robert and Michelle’s phone number.
I took two little samples to South Gate to give to 2 of the nurses that I’ve come to be very close to and one of them had lots of blemishes on her face that she said she’d had since she was a teen. She was so excited to try the cream … but told me not to feel bad if there was no change because those blemishes had been there since she was in her early teens and she was now in her 50’s but she thanked me over and over.
I said “Well since they’ve been there for years, just use a tiny dab of that cream and do it 3 to 5 times a day” And I gave her a couple more little jars so she’d have plenty to do that. She said, “OK”
Just 3 days later, I was at South Gate and she came rushing to me and said “KAY … LOOK AT MY FACE!!!” I did and to my shock, almost all of her blemishes were gone in just 3 days. She had 4 I think it was … that were still noticeable but getting smaller. A few days later those were gone too.
We were both shocked beyond words. She kept saying she was going to order some, but I knew her funds were low because her husband is in bad health … so I just took her one of my jars. She continues to use it to this day and has beautiful skin.
Geezer’s mom had a rash all over her hands and no one knew what it was. The Dr gave her several prescription creams that did nothing. So after about 3 weeks of the wrong creams and doctor’s – I finally asked if I could bring some of my Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream
and put on her and they said ‘yes’. I did and in just 2 days her hands were clear. To this day, we do not know what that weird rash was from … but they had been trying to heal her hands for weeks. Kim and I had even taken her to a dermatologist in Herrin who’s cream didn’t help. But the Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream was all it took.
Last Summer on one of our “Geezer trips”, I took enough samples that I’d be sure and have plenty to give each of the ladies that were on the ride. One of the ladies tx’d me the very next morning to say she was already seeing a difference in a place she had been doctoring for quite a while … but she could see the cream was already healing her spot after all the other things she had tried. And she was thrilled with her cream.
I gave some of the cream to our oldest son to put on a rash he’s had on his shoulder for quite a while and he said it was working wonders. AND he didn’t even want me to leave it with him that day because he said ‘creams’ were for women. But it worked for him too. I can’t even tell you how much of that cream I’ve given away. I have bought 14 jars total since I got the first one and most of it has been given away, BECAUSE I love sharing things that will help others, whether that’s information or a new herb I’ve found.
SO I bought another package of those tiny condiment cups that holds about 2 ounces. and I put a tsp of cream in each cup and I also included the phone number of the people “I” bought MINE from because that’s the only place I know to get it. And I put the little cup and the little note with phone number in a zip lock bag. Now a tsp doesn’t sound like much … but you don’t know this cream! A tsp of this cream will go a long way and work wonders.
I’ve had one lady say it didn’t help her. She has psoriasis! But she is the only one. I ALSO have psoriasis and had a new place pop up just a couple days after she told me that so I put the cream on my spot and WALLA – 2 days and it was gone. I put just a dab on my psoriasis spot about 5 times a day. Now

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I’m talking a very TINY dab and I just rubbed it in good. When I’m healing a ‘spot’ I always put several tiny dabs on … over the course of the day. And just rub it in really good.
This cream is called and it’s worth every penny and you all know what a tight wad I am!
Below is a two minute video with more details about the Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream
Skin Healing Cream…
Skin Care