What Is Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is kind of like what our old grannies and great grannies used to call Rheumatism and let me tell ya, they suffered greatly too. But Fibromyalgia is just like most other illnesses – it all comes back to diet and lifestyle. If we stuff our jaws with sugary and processed foods and too much dairy and live in the fast lane on junk food – our bodies are going to balk. And when the cells of our bodies start to balk – bad things begin to happen.
We make a choice every single day of our lives – whether we’re going to eat to be healthy and strong – or make our bodies weak and sickly. Our health is entirely in our hands and I truly believe that.

The Roots of Fibromyalgia – graphic credit living-smarter-with-fibromyalgia.com
Fibromyalgia Symptoms
Fibromyalgia can have many symptoms – from pain that can be from mild and naggy to deep seeded and severe, numbness and tingling, stiff joints, insomnia and debilitating fatigue.
It’s often found in people who are suffering from depression and/or suffer anxiety and at least for most folks, it greatly impacts their emotional and physical health.
Fibromyalgia Treatment
The pain of fibromyalgia is a disorder of the central nervous system and is thought to come from a chemical imbalance, but authorities on the subject are just not quite sure.