I absolutely LOVE studying and talking about the Blue Zones and the Longevity of their people and sharing their secrets to Longevity. I LOVE studying the Blue Zone People and their diet and lifestyle – because it just seems to promote a sense of peace and tranquility. Something most of us are not that familiar with. I just feel that people living in the Blue Zones are just more connected to the important things in life – and that’s the caring of our mind, body and spirit! I studied the diet and lifestyle of the Hunza people for 2 decades and I feel the Blue Zones are a spin off of their diet and lifestyle to some degree. I’ve only studied the Blue Zones for about the last 10 years or so.
The Blue Zone people started out as people that lived in 5 areas of the world where the health and fitness of the people in those areas were just extremely outstanding and they live much longer and much healthier lives on into a much riper old age. They’re said to be very vibrant in health and in strength and even look and act many years younger than their actual ages. Blue Zones have now spread into the United States. It’s just a zone most any of us would just love to be a part of.
SO what do you do when you don’t live in one of the actual Blue Zones? You study the blue zone people and their diets and their lifestyle and if you’re smart – you do whatever you need to do – to live your life in your own little homemade blue zone. We kind of live the Blue Zone life in Round Knob Canyon – and have for years.
Where ARE These Blue Zones?
Blue Zones are beginning to spread. There are now several in the United States and have spread more than 30 communities so far. Below are the Blue Zones that have been around the longest and studied the most.
5 Blue Zones
Okinawa, Japan
Sardinia, Italy
Loma Linda, California
Nicoya, Costa Rica
Ikaria, Greece
The Happiest People In The World
The people in these 5 Blue Zones are said to also be the ‘happiest people’ in the world! So now – all we need to know is why they are the way they are and what can ‘we’ do to be more like ‘them’ …
Blue Zone People Have A Sense Of Purpose
Blue Zones Practice the Power of 9
#1 Move Naturally – DAILY
#2 Know Your Purpose
#3 Have a Down Shift Hour
#4 The Crucial 80% Rule
#5 Meat is a Condiment
#6 Welch’s Grape Juice Daily
#7 Being Part of a Faith Based Organization Adds Years to Your Life
#8 Put Family and Loved Ones First
#9 Have a Close Knit Group of Friends
Blue Zone People Overview
The Blue Zone People HAVE The Answer
More Resources
Becoming a Blue Zone Community
Homecoming kicks off with ‘healthy people’ event in healthiest community
This is so fascinating. I would love to be a Blue Zoner.I am just not sure I have the mental wherewithal to do the changing to accomplish it!